While Eric and I already live in the semi-country out in Apex, it is starting to become more and more like urban city all the time. This morning I left extra early (6:40am) to go to school as I wanted to go to the gym and workout a bit. Typically when I leave this early traffic is heavy but not stopped. However, the days that I leave at 7, traffic has started to become stopped a bit, but still managable. Leaving anywhere between 7:30 and 8:30 just makes me mad and frustrated.
This morning however was a different story. On my way, somehow just past where the exit I can get off to take the long round about way to get to school, traffice is stopped. And not stop and crawl but stopped. What in the world is going on...the news had said everything was fine. 10 minutes later while still stopped and not moving, I hear a 3 car crash has happened up ahead (a couple miles) and is blocking the lanes. Seriously, worse timing, had I left 5 min earlier, I would have missed it, had I left 5 min later I would have been able to exit and cut through town. It would be ok if there was room to get around, however since they are doing construction, there are no shoulder areas. Oh lovely.
Overall it takes me an hour to get to school, which normally takes maybe 25 minutes tops. Sucks. I get so mad because people here can't drive. How come in big cities people pull off the road so they don't block traffic, but here, we don't do that. The other week I drove home and there were 3 accidents within a quarter mile span, but since again there are no shoulders, the rest of traffic converges into one lane and passes one accident then everyone gets in the other lane to pass the next accident.
I can't stand traffic. There is no way I will survive in a city bigger than this. I want to live in the country. I don't need any of this.
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