Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Michigan Vaca

I had a nice fall break last week. Nice to get away and have a mini vacation. It started with my great friend Matt coming to visit. We went to a not so great US laser show at UNC followed by a lot of drinking, a great Arkansas vs Florida game, an extrmemely fun corn maze in the dark and then a drive up to Michigan through the beautiful fall changing colors. Then we spent a couple days fishing, a trip to Hell and then into Ann Arbor to try the fragels (deep fried bagels).

After that EZ flew up and we had some family time and then a trip to the Big House to watch UM lose to Penn State. We had great seats and it was fun to go tailgate and to see a game in the stadium but too bad that they lost, it was a bummer.

I had lots of fun and now it is back to work. Here are a few pics from the week:

EZ and I about to enter the corn maze

Matt and I inside the maze

What the maze actually looked like (we looked at it later)

Matt caught a fish!

Fishing away in the sunshine

A stop in Hell!

Yummy Fragels!

Before the game.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What HPU is up to

In case you wondered about where I work...here is what they were up to yesterday afternoon.

NYSE-Closing Bell

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Me Time

When life just gets so busy, doesn't everyone need "me time". I have felt like my world is on fast forward and I can't keep up. For the past two weeks or so I have been going and going and going nonstop, not really having any time for myself. I have gotten behind in grading in lesson planning on running, on everything.

Most days I don't even know what day it is. For example, yesterday (Monday right) I told my class I would see them Friday, to which they responded "we don't have class Wed?" This is my world right now is what I keep telling myself. I was planning on going to a conference at NCSU this weekend but I think I might forgo that to some much needed downtime. Any suggestions on what I should do if I find some time for myself?

Monday, October 05, 2009

Tired and Sore

Every inch of me hurts and is tired. I spent literally all weekend shoveling dirt and planting plants. I seriously mean almost 9 hours on Saturday with a break for lunch and another 6 hours yesterday.

EZ rented a sod cutter Sat morning and dug up strips of sod on the one side of our house, I helped him roll it up and then he wheelbarrowed it over to the back part where he had jackhammered out the rock. So now we have grass back there. While he was doing that I dug up all the sod he couldn't get out with the sod cutter, the part right up against the house and all around our air conditioning units. He also cut up some strips in the back where the patio is going to be. After lunch I started planting...so far, 2 rhododendron, 3 azaleas, 1 camellia and 4 hostas on the one side from the air conditioners to the front corner that was a lot of digging holes and filling in with dirt!

Yesterday I dug up spots back around the edge of the deck and transplanted back the daylillies and all the gladiolas around the deck and started my garden. I planted 2 thornless blackberry bushes and 2 raspberry plants, I had 1 eggplant, 1 tomato and 5 yellow squash plants so I put all those in too. Another long day of shoveling A LOT of clay dirt out, since I used all garden soil and a good top 3 inches of soil as well.

Tonight will be planting one more rhododendron, 3 more hostas and 2 emerald green thuja trees (like a cypress on the one side of the house) and one more skinny pencil holly at the corner of the deck by the stairs and then the planting is practically done!!! Did I then mention that all the mulch gets delivered tomorrow so tomorrow night will be more shoveling?? :)

I'll post some pictures after it is finished in a few days.