Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Potty Training and Other News

At daycare P has been interested in the bathroom and for most of the month of December he sheet at school would say that she tried to use the toilet. We were super impressed by this, I guess when you see other kids doing it, you do it too right...peer pressure. After the holidays we decided we would casually introduce it at the house. Really we just have one right next to the bath tub that we started sitting her on before and after baths and then I try in the mornings to put her on it when she gets up before we get dressed. That is how most days goes.

Last week she actually used it for the first time and then since Friday has gone at least once in every day, even at school. She isn't really telling us she has to go, we just sit her on it and she will sometimes go and she gets super excited that she actually went. We still aren't pushing it at all, but it is fun to watch the progression. I have no hopes/expectations for her to be potty trained by the time baby 2 comes in a couple months.

Her language is really progressing it seems at rapid speed now. Lots of new words and constantly trying to say a word for something. I still love that she wont say horse, but just "neigh" and wont say sheep but just "baa" and typically cow is just "mmmm", and monkey is "ee-ee". Although when I ask her where a certain thing like a horse is in a picture, she points to it (and then says neigh). New words are blueberry (booberr) and cheese, hot dog, pig, fish, boots, pants, shirt, but "ta-tas" is still my favorite for cracker.

I'm still working out. Some days are better than others. I was running quite a bit a month ago, but that has slowed down. Incorporating a lot more walking into my runs and it varies on the day with how I feel. This morning I ran/walked 4 miles but ran probably 3.5 miles of it and only walked 1/2 mile. What is interesting is that I am much faster than I was at this stage of my pregnancy with Piper. I am still running sub 10 min pace, somewhere now between 9:30-9:45 which I am super thrilled with.

We still haven't picked a name for baby 2. But might be narrowing down the list...just over 10 weeks now to go. Crazy.

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