I had planned on getting a lot of work done over spring break but looks like things change. I am now headed back to CA to see my grandparents for part of the week since my grandpa isn't doing too well. Hopefully EZ will survive 5 days of being with Piper by himself! This will be my first time away from her and I am kind of nervous.
This week I decided to start supplementing with formula, not too much, just 2 oz in two of her bottles. Just testing it out to see how she does. Only been a couple days but she drinks it just as if it were breastmilk. She has been waking up at all crazy hours during the night over the last week. I thought it had to do with standing up, EZ thinks maybe it is the fact that we are feeding her more solids and therefore she is drinking a little less breastmilk. Who knows.
She is a pro at standing up (pulling herself up) and is now starting to "walk" along the furniture. Scary scary that probably just a few more weeks and maybe she will be officially walking. Yikes!
Here are some photos from the last week:
She absolutely loves bathtime:
Standing up with dada:
Happy Girl:
She has figured out how to pull up on everything: