Monday, November 30, 2009

The $1 Book Store

Have I mentioned this used book store nearby that sells $1 books. Every book in the store is $1. I know you are super excited about this if you like to read. So for me, I get all giddy when I head to the store. Sometimes I can't find anything and other times I find all sorts of stuff.

I recently went last Wed on the way to meet EZ before we headed on to the beach. I keep a list of books I want to read on my iphone, so I bring it up while I am there and start searching. I found a few other books that seem interesting plus 6 of my books on my list! How excited I was. I am on a mission to read a bunch of "classics" and I found some. I was super excited they had Midnights Children as I have wanted to read that book for a while but hadn't gone out to buy it yet. I now have created quite a collection of books in my house that I haven't read, but it is just too good to pass up $1 books! Eventually, my library of books will get read. And of course you can also bring in used books for 50cents credit.

If you live nearby, the store is in Mebane. Although it is not nearly as big as Edward Mckay's used book store, you can't beat the $1/book price tag! Just take the exit towards downtown Mebane and when you cross the railroad tracks, go past one more light and the store in in a building on the right had side of the road.


Krista said...

Did you happen to find any of the books on my list? I was about to order a few from Amazon.

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