Monday, August 04, 2008

Oh Canada....

The wedding was awesome! I can't say enough great things about seeing all my swimming friends from Arkansas. I miss them all and love seeing everyone, and it is even better that we all come together for a big party at a wedding.

Congrats to Susie Q and Mark, you guys rock and threw a great party. Here are a few pictures from the trip and the wedding!!

Port Dehlusie before the wedding

Chillin before the dancing

Mo, Lisa and Tyler before the drinking began

Genny having a great time on the dance floor

The beautiful bride and groom

All us Arkansas girls (and Grant)

Sunday night Eric and I went down to the Harbor in Buffalo and took a few pictures:

1 comment:

runningyankee said...

hi! responding (finally) to your comment on my blog- running yankee. yep i do read yours. found it thru alicia parr. havent met but like to keep up with some other NC racers. hope all is good! kari